Yoga teacher or instructor?

Like most things, our teacher training course had to adapt to meet the demands of Covid-19. Having cancelled both our May and November trainings this year, we decided to create an online version of our course so that our trainings can continue no matter what.  So, we have scheduled an online training for the start […]

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Mental Health And Yoga

I never really know where to start when given the task to share a specific post about mental health when I feel the work I do all day every day is all about mental health.  I suppose what I can do is explain why I’ve dedicated my life to mental health, what happened to make […]

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I haven’t been feeling too great. I’m not really sure how or when, but I fell into the black hole.  I felt angry, and sad, and frustrated, and lost, and trapped, and anxious. And stressed, so so stressed. The magic combo of lockdown, home schooling, loss of income and focus, combined with worry about loved […]


Happily Raw Truth

I am forever a student and constantly learning more about myself, which comes to me through meditation, journaling, yoga and meeting new people. I love travelling the world and always experience personal growth, gaining new insights and fully embracing different cultures. It makes me feel ‘alive’ and allows me to be in the present. I […]

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Yoga Teacher Training

Our 2020 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training course is now open! It has timed perfectly with our final intensive week of the 2019 Teacher Training that started this weekend. By this Saturday, our next year of students will be qualified yoga teachers, and again what a journey it has been!  I try to avoid cliches […]

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wellness in the workplace with safetember

wellness in the workplace

Soul Sanctuary helped educate about wellness in the workplace to TSG UK employees across the country as part of their SAFEtember 2019 roadshow. WELLNESS IN THE WORKPLACE Soul Sanctuary were invited to speak during TSG’s Health and Safety month and hosted health and wellbeing workshops to more than 230 attendees across six venues, as company […]

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YOGA FOR BEGINNERS – Find your Soul Sanctuary

yoga for beginners

We pride ourselves on our yoga for beginners programmes, which are based on understanding and also addressing the idea that anyone who does yoga must be able to touch their toes. Flexibility is not a prerequisite for yoga, far from it! Here at Soul Sanctuary, we understand that many people are timid about trying yoga […]

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The mind, body, soul connection

Like a lot of people, I was attracted to yoga initially for the ‘asana’, or physical poses. I thought it would be a great compliment to other activities I did such as running, going to the gym, etc. Also if you look up yoga on Pinterest or Instagram the models have amazing bodies, right? I […]

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